CMLS Financial

  • CMLS Financial has been a part of the financial industry for over 40 years. CMLS manages just under $15 billion in assets under administration.
  • Their roots began in commercial lending, and approximately 3 years ago, they created their residential lending division.
  • If there could be a cool kid on the block for mortgage lending, these guys are it.
  • CMLS Financial has several lending options that make a difference for Canadians. They offer competitive lending products that ultimately help you save money, and help you qualify.
  • They are a true broker lender. CMLS Financial sources their mortgage funds from large industry investors. These investors time their investments to provide better interest rates than the institutional banks.
  • Whether you are purchasing, refinancing, or switching your mortgage, the underwriting team at CMLS Financial is dedicated to providing fast turnaround time for your application.
  • No relationship banking required, or extra hoops to jump through. They are only interested in providing you a competitive mortgage.
  • Accelerated bi-weekly and weekly payment frequencies are offered.
  • Fair IRD (Interest Rate Differential) penalty calculations.
  • Purchase + Improvements, New to Canada, and 2nd home purchases are a sample of the available lending programs they offer.
  • Prepayment privileges are ‘industry best’ with up to 20% per year allowed, based on the original amount borrowed. Prepayments can be in amounts as low as $100, and can be made throughout the year. You are not limited to just once a year on the anniversary date. You can also increase your payments by up to 20% as well.
  • Authorized lender for CMHC & Genworth.
  • Whether for commercial or residential, for purchasing, refinancing, or switching your mortgage, CMLS is a fantastic lender choice.
  • CMLS is a monline lender. For more information on what a monoline lender is and their role in the mortgage market, click here.