
Bank of Canada Currency Converter – an online tool for converting to and from CAD to other currencies. 

Bank of Canada Interest Rate Information – current and historical rate information, as well as bond, treasury bill, and money market yields.

BC Government Home Flipping Tax – a new tax that will be implemented on properties that are sold on or  after January 1, 2025 if the property is sold within 2 years, unless an exemption applies.

BC Government Home Owner Grant Information – eligibility guidelines and the amounts available to claim.

BC Government Property Transfer Tax Guide for First-time Buyers – a detailed guide that outlines eligibility and other information.

BC Home Flipping Tax – the BC home flipping tax applies to the profit you earn from selling a property in British Columbia (including presale contracts) if you owned the property for less than 730 days.

BC’s Speculation and Vacancy Tax – information on the tax and how to declare for exemption.

Federal Government First-time Buyer Incentive – an interest free loan and shared equity program to assist first-time buyers.

Fixed or Variable Rate – important items to consider when considering taking a fixed or variable rate mortgage.

Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP – the withdrawal form you need to complete a withdrawal under the HBP.

Inflation Indicators Graph – a graph published by the Bank of Canada that gives a historical look at inflation figures to present day, and related definitions.

Property Transfer Tax for Foreign Entities & Taxable Trustees – in addition to the property transfer tax, if you’re a foreign national, foreign corporation or taxable trustee, you must pay the additional property transfer tax on your proportionate share of a residential property’s fair market value if the property is within specified areas of B.C. 

Real Estate Buyers Guide – A detailed guide outlining what you need to know for purchasing real estate in the Sea to Sky corridor, prepared by the law firm of Race & Company LLP.

Reverse Mortgage Information – a great information page that summarizes key components of what is a reverse mortgage and who is eligible.

Spagnuolo & Company GST Calculator – an online GST calculator from the law firm, Spagnuolo & Company.

Spagnuolo & Company Mortgage Fraud Info – an information post about Mortgage Fraud Protection.

Strata Housing Information  – a BC government web site that provides a comprehensive overview of strata housing.

Understanding your Credit Report & Credit Score – from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.

Whistler Housing Authority – all the information you need for WHA properties in Whistler. 

Mortgage Insurers of Canada

Canada Guaranty




Whistler Listings Systems  (WLS)
